This is a snapshot to a house situated at a steep hill in a town at West Java. Step inside this house we will see warm and modern family rooms with stunning view to valleys and hills nearby the house. The using of warm wooden materials on ceilings, windows blind and furnitures that are combined with rustic stone materials on the walls, visually give strong senses of natural and tropical modern touch that is reflected throughout the inside of the family rooms.
The open space order inside the house provide a visual continuity that connecting green courtyard view in the front of the house and valleys and hills view at the opposite cliff hill site. This open space quality is clearly difined and reflected in living area, dining area and its open pantry area.
When somebody have daily cooking activities in the pantry, he or she can have generous view to the front court yard and at the same time can also have another view to the other corner at living room or other corner of dining room and also stunning view to the valley across the cliff hill. Definitely, same experience will be acquired during breakfast time on the round breakfast table adjacent to the pantry unit.