This is just about a small multi-purposes space which is situated in a corporate office in an office tenancy building. The place is a space for all office members and their visitors can make various type of meeting and gathering such as corporate meeting, lunch gathering, product launching, brainstorming session, marketing presentation, small exhibition and press conference.
Design idea is just generated freely, combining and exploring many various design elements that consist of kind of shapes and colors. This is based on the function of the room that is actually the space for everybody, everybody with many different personalities and ideas. The space that can release everybody from day-to-day formal office activities.
This is just about 100 square meters space belong to a corporate office that is divided into 2 different split floor levels. Upper floor level is treated with elevated dark floor deck and the lower level is treated with white marble floor. In general, color scheme is generated from a split-complementary color composition where vivid red color is freely combined with yellow color and dark wood color. Meanwhile the white and grey color to remaining elements are exploited to elaborate this split-complementary color scheme. Ceiling is exposed as high as possible and the feeling of living in a bigger space is created than actually existed. Some mirror wall panels are applied to elaborate this design intention.
Seating arrangement is provided to accommodate various type of activities may happen in the room. Some loose chairs are provided in the middle of the space to offer flexibility. Fixed sofa arrangement is provided along perimeter window to provide nice seating option with better comfort. And a row of high chairs are provided adjacent to bar counter in the corner of the room for an informal seating option.